Sunday, May 20, 2007

Development of the wiki articles

After a semester of editing wikipedia articles I am posting this just to kind of give a feel of how the articles have changed since i started editing them.

Emperor's New Groove
I feel that this article was not as complete as the other three edited. This is probably due to the fact that it is a children's movie so not too many people are editing it. My edits focused mainly on the plot of the movie which was not described in a lot of detail. I feel I had a pretty good impact on this article and will hopefully encourage more people to edit it.

The Usual Suspects
This article, compared to Emperor's New Groove was much more complete so therefore much harder to edit. Most of my edits were very minor changes such as word usage or adding a minor detail to the description of the movie. As a whole i dont feel that I contributed a whole lot to this article but made some changes that will make the article better as a whole.

Revenge of the Sith
This article was extremely difficult to edit so I had fun with this one in that I made edits that some may disagree with but i thought were necessary. My first edit was immidiately removed the second one stuck. The third which i feel was a very important fact but may not be well liked in the community has been removed already but hopefully will be put back by someone else.

I feel that I had a great impact on this article in that I pushed in my edits to break down the article and have specific paragraphs for each album. At first my edits were deleted immediately, but now they have broken the entire article down by timeline and have different paragraphs for each album. I feel that this article has improved significantly and I am proud of that.

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